I've been wanting to visit Bukit Tinggi for fresh air and a short daytrip getaway.
So the first thing to sort out from the internet were What to do? and What to eat? I love bloggers, they share out everything, the source and information i get for any of the trip are mostly from BLOGS. Frankly speaking, they are the most generous non-verbal info sharing group of people. (Trying to say i'm one of the generous one) *evil smile*. Applause
So my results came out as below : scroll people... scroll.....
Lunch at Bukit Tinggi BBQ
I reckon it to be a nice place to eat since a lot of bloggers bragging on how nice the food was. So why not give it a try. So we drive up to half way at Bentong, if you are departing from KL the restaurant is on your right side. You need to make a turn from left and the restaurant is located behind a BHP Petrol Station.

As you can see, the restaurant is decorate? or hang umbrellas on the ceiling. With the owner name stated on the umbrella. I assume the restaurant had water leaking issue from the ceiling and hangs the umbrella to caught the water from drippin, then the boss found out why not make it as a so called DECO? This is personally my thought, no offend.

Whats with the wine bottle actually? The restaurant doesn't even serve Wine. My second assume was these wine bottles is also one of the utensil to fill up those dripped water. Wow! Fascinating.. lolol

Seafood Pot RM85 海鲜煲
For seafood lovers, yes this is it! The one and only SEAFOOD POT!! Gulpss

The Flying Fox(Tilapia) RM 35
The fish is covered with a thick layer of salt. And trust me, its super salteeee!

Mixing up the seafood with the vege in the broth

Dont mind the face, look at the CLAW!! yummy

Scrumptious ^ ^

Jackfruit RM 8 菠萝蜜

The Bill!!
Those two dishes is more than enough for two. Perhaps other time more people and more pictures by then. Overall food was okay 6/10.
Next stop....
Colmar Tropicale : French Village
It took us around an hour drive up to this place and it lies 2500 feet above sea level. You will pass by a security & ticket cabin and pay RM 12 per adult.
More info of the place, click here

The entire row of French Buildings from 3stories high view.

Colmar Tropicale : JapaneseVillage
You need to drive up again to reach the Japanese Village. What i can say nothing much to see, just the Tea House. That if you want to wear a Kimono and learn Japanese cultural activity involving the ceremonial preparation and presentation of matcha. Else it will only be a kilometer long walk up and down the village. Trust me if you're not a fan of green scenery sight seeing, forget about Japanese Village.

You need to park your car down there and walk up the stairs..

And up.....
Until you see this sign

And up again...

Now you are only half way

Not yet... Up up and up you go

Almost there...
I present you, the Japanese Tea House!!!

OK done with the uphill cardios, its time to move down the hill again

Sakura and Ume Tatami Suites
As our way down, we head to a restaurant for a short break.
Japanese Restaurant Ryo Zantei

Expensive! All i can say in the middle of the garden forest?

Botanical Garden

Rabbit Park
You need to pay RM3 entrance fee for adult.
Oh My God!!! So cute and fluffy!!!!! Im dying of their cuteness!!
Their soft furry fur *puppy love eyes* Eotteohge!!! 어떻게

Besides rabbit, HOLY Deer!!

And hamster

As you can see there are a lot of types of rabbit there. But there are donkey, stork, peacock and tortoise too but not as many as rabbits thou. I know! where is the picture? Well i was too obsessed playing with the rabbit and forgot about others. My bad.

Restaurant Bukit Tinggi BBQ 武吉丁宜烧烤村 PT 15792 & 15793, Jalan Bukit Tinggi, 28750 Bentong, Pahang. Tel: 09-233 0330/ 012-3577111

Colmar Tropicale
1. French Village
2. Japanese Village
3. Rabbit Parkand more....
Opening hours: 10.00am - 6.00pm
GADGETS : 📹 Cameras Used :
Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1 💿 Editing :
Meitu - http://xiuxiu.meitu.com/download/